New weapons, abilities, and more!

Hi! Today I'm happy because I'm publishing this new update for Slime Shoot! The first version of the game was very simple, but now I added lots of things and made it more entertaining!
Now you can use more weapons. Includinc the basic pistol of the first version, now you can choose 5 weapons to fight your enemies! Since I added weapons, now there is a shop system were you can buy these new weapons using the points that you obtain killing enemies. You will start with the basic pistol and expand your weapon collection with more and more points that you gain. Note that you can only use 3 weapons at the same time, so you'll have to choose which ones do you want to use. Also, I reworked the basic pistol sprite so it fits better with the game. Here, have a look at some of the new weapons and the equipment system:
Another big feature added: Abilities! You can use the abilities in battle to give you different buffs and effects, like life regen and even summon a turret! The abilities, just like weapons, will consume your energy, and also they have a cooldown, the time of the cooldown depends on the ability. You can also use 3 abilities at the same time, so you'll have to choose which ones to use. Abilities can be bought with points in the shop, just like weapons. However, you'll start without any abilities, you'll have to gain some points first to use them. Have a look at these abilities:
In the video above, you can also see the shop. I bought everything, but when you play you'll the chance to buy everything by you with your points. And don't worry, the game has a save system, you can buy all the shop and close the game without losing your progress.
And finally, I also added two new enemies . One of them can be seen during the videos above, it's a balloon, it's pretty fast but very weak. And now, the big ball enemy will spawn later. And the second enemy that I added... Well, it's pretty hard to see it with the current equipment of the game, if you see one then considerate yourself a pro player of Slime Shoot, and post here in the comments your sighting of the enemy.
That's all for this update! Expect more content soon with new weapons, abilities, enemies, and even more new things! See you soon!
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Slime Shoot
An endless 2D top-down shooter where you play as a slime.
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